Our Clinic offers only the safest and best fillers to maximise beauty by restoring symmetry, harmony and balance.

Dr Ramkisson is a recognised expert on filler’s and has successfully treated thousand’s of men and women from all over the world. His trademark in the industry is to deliver “natural looking” enhancements. His approach and skill has seen his services being highly sought after by international and local celebrities, beauty queens, models, musicians and sports stars. He continuously strives to deliver outstanding results for all his patients.

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Dr Ramkisson will give you personal advice on which treatment suits your needs the best.
Hyaluronic acid is an important component of youthful, supple and elastic skin, and helps the skin maintain volume.

Aging causes the skin to lose volume and hence begins to droop, sag and wrinkle making you look tired and older. Fillers are the best and quickest way to restore lost volume to the face and hands. Fillers are effective in smoothing the texture of your skin and removing lines as well as adding shape and contour to sunken areas of the face. Safe and efficient, these fillers consist of hyaluronic acid (HA), which is found naturally in the skin and in all living organisms that hydrates skin by holding in water. It also acts as a cushion and lubricant to reduce damage to the skin.

Slide the blue bar left and right to see results
Dr Ramkisson will give you personal advice on which treatment suits your needs the best.

Fillers can make a world of a difference to your appearance

Starting with the top of the face and working our way downwards to the neck and even the hands, fillers can make a world of a difference to your appearance. Everything from the eyes and eyebrows, the nasal bridge, nasal flares, nasolabial folds, the tear trough area, the cheeks, lips, neck and last of all the hands can be treated and beautified ! Click on the points below for more information:

Eye Area

Eyes that appear tired, sad or with underlying dark circles can be improved with fillers.


The bridge of the nose can be filled in to make it smoother and the nasal flares can be reduced by injecting a little filler material at the beginning of the laugh line.


Lips can be plumped at any age as they are a sign of beauty and sensuality. Apart from enhancing your natural lips, fillers can correct thin, crinkled or inverted lips.


Fillers can rectify the problem of a long chin or of a short one. Marionette lines that run from the sides of the lips to the chin can be corrected with fillers. Dimples can also be filled up.


Cheeks can be restored with filler’s to replace volume loss that occurs due to aging process.


Due to continued sun exposure, the hands are most prone to wrinkles as elasticity is lost. The veins become prominent and the skin becomes creepy. Sometimes even due to intense weight lifting, the veins begin to pop out more than is natural.

Dipped scars and imperfections

Filler is injected under the scar to improve and correct scarring.